Monday, 20 July 2015

QiLaunch - mobile app

A couple of days ago I posted an update about QiLaunch Wear, in which I mentioned that I'd signed up for a beta of the new mobile app they have coming out.  Well the beta link hasn't arrived yet, but more information has come out, including a demo video.

This new launcher app is currently available for Android smart devices only, and utilises the "Spread" module of Qi’s unique motion-based interface architecture platform.   The Spread module instantly reveals multiple levels of menus with just one touch.  Check out the video to see it in action...

You can get more information, and sign up for beta testing yourself if you're interested, on their website.  There's also a full press release with more details.

Once I've had a chance to play with the app, I'll report back.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

QiLaunch Wear - update

I've posted before about the QiLaunch Wear which is currently in beta.  It's a navigation app, designed to make it quicker and easier to activate programs on your smart watch.

Around a week ago, they announced a new beta version with a few changes...

  1. The icons have been made bigger, so they are easier to select
  2. The anchor point has been moved to the 12 o'clock position, so both right and left-handers can use more easily
  3. The sensitivity has been changed too

They also said another 2 changes would be out soon.  However, I received an update but none of these seemed to be in it.  Certainly the anchor point is still at the 3 o'clock position, which is the most obvious.  I'm looking forward to trying out the changes, when they arrive, and I'll update you when they do.

I've also signed up today for a further beta, this time for a phone app with the "Spread" module, with dynamic expanding radial menus.  Apparently I will be given pre-access before the rest of the world to this new mobile app, and receive other information as well, so that's good.  They say that they are simultaneously working on a watch version of the module, so more on that to come later.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Deus Ex Aria - update clarified

Earlier this week I posted another Deus Ex Aria update.  The company has decided to issue some clarifications over the information that had previously been given, so I thought I would pass them on.

The Smart Strap will be manufactured with the same silicone material (and indeed the same facilities) used for the stock Pebble Time strap.  Those of you who have a Pebble Time will already know what this is like, but for the rest of us, I'm assured it's very soft and ergonomic.  They want to make a strap that feels just as nice, looks as slick and unobtrusive, but with the Aria technology under the hood.

All Kickstarter backers (pledging $1 and above) will get a single use voucher code that will give them a 25% discount on Metal Pebble Time straps that will be made available through their online store.

The Aria clip is a Universal Bluetooth Controller, so it will work with all Bluetooth devices, its compatibility will be extended to most smart watches: Android Wear devices, Apple Watch, original Pebble, Pebble Time (Steel); but its functionality is not limited to smart watches.  The Aria clip can be used to control your iOS devices, Mac, PC, GoPro, and in principle any Bluetooth smart device.  Aria will support the new generations of smart watches too, as these will just be running updated versions of Android/iOS.

Here is a video from some time ago which demonstrates the clip in action:

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Deus Ex Aria - update

I have some more information about the Deus Ex Aria, hot off the press!

The set of devices that are being made are... 

  • A single silicone strap designed around the Pebble Time (and Pebble Time Steel) 
  • A UNIVERSAL Bluetooth module that will initially support Android devices, but will later be extended to the original Pebble, Apple Watch and iOS smartphones after launch.

They have decided not to proceed with a steel version of the strap.  After talking to their designer and suppliers they've concluded that starting to work on a metal strap now would cause a major setback to the production line.  Instead they will focus their resources and efforts on making the above products as best as possible, and have them shipped to backers as soon as possible.  They would rather positively surprise backers, than over promise and continuously delay shipments.

However, because they love their backers, and to thank them for their support, they have decided to include a single-use voucher code with every Kickstarter shipment.   This voucher can be used on their online store, which should make a metal strap available soon after launch.

And finally... ARIA + ARDUINO = ARDUARIA!  Of course you can connect to your Arduino via Bluetooth, but what if you wanted to use your Pebble Strap with an Arduino?  They are working on a further feature just for you - the strap will come with a CAD adapter and Arduino project that will help you come up with your very own Maker Watch.  

Here's a video which guides you through what can be done by connecting your Aria to an Arduino... 

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Deus Ex Aria - update

Well things seem to be happening now the Kickstarter has been fully funded for the Deus Ex Aria, which I've posted about before.  The London based company is even hiring two new software developers, one for Pebble and one for Android, which is promising.

There's also a couple of new Youtube videos available.  The first tells more about the clip itself, whereas the second covers a calibration demo...

The demo certainly looks pretty cool - if it works that well for me then I'll be very happy with it!

So that's it for now, but I'll keep updating you when I find out more.

QiLaunch Wear - beta testing

A while ago I posted about navigating to and launching apps, which was talking about the Quantum Interface project called "QiLaunch", which is currently in beta.  At the time, I'd signed up for the beta, but not heard anything back.

Well now I'm on the beta, and I've played with the app!  It clearly has potential, but I struggled to use it on the round screen of my Moto 360, as there wasn't much room to maneuver.  

The version that I've played with has been code-named "Carousel".  This has a vertical scrolling list of the shortcuts, which gravitate towards your finger as you drag it towards the one that you want to launch.  They are working on some updates based on the beta feedback at the moment.

I've also just signed up for a second round of beta testing, this time for the "Spread" version.  The description I've been given is...
You will get first peak at an entirely different and new concept to use on your phone and tablet devices - a first in the world scrollable, expanding dynamic radial menu system

They've hinted at 8 planned modules in total, which sound like they'll all be combined together as options in a single app.  We'll see over the next few weeks and months.